Jason Parker's Pro-Flex® LP Torsion Story

“"I feel confident walking on my Pro-Flex LP Torsion feet, and I am not afraid to tackle anything that comes my way." ”

Jason Parker

In 2017 I had my left leg amputated below the knee from an infection. The infection later returned to my right leg, and in 2019 it was sadly removed. Although for the best, this was infinitely harder with greater challenges that I anxiously feared. My community of friends and family surrounded and supported me including my prosthetist who checked in on me regularly, offering a number of prosthetic solutions and trials for a bilateral below the knee amputee.  

I had gone through rehabilitation and some trials as a unilateral amputee, but my needs changed as a bilateral amputee. Having no ankles made standing and walking a challenge, balancing was hard, and I was at risk of stumbling and falling. I wanted to feel balanced, confident, and capable with my mobility, and stable with my feet on the ground when I walked. I was also conscious of maintaining my limb health and preserving my knees in the long term.  

I chose the Pro-Flex LP Torsion feet as I really enjoyed the increased flexibility and stability, as well as the ground contact when walking up and down slopes. The torsion adapter incorporated into the feet allows me to twist and turn when needed, keeping my feet secure on the ground, and protecting my residual limbs from unnecessary forces. This is helpful for many normal activities, for example, when preparing meals in the kitchen, doing laundry, or placing items in the supermarket shopping cart.   

I feel confident walking on my Pro-Flex LP Torsion feet, and I am not afraid to tackle anything that comes my way. I can wear my prostheses all day, I can easily walk around my home and at the shopping centre, I can travel, and I feel confident to attend music festivals and gigs! If I am worried, for example when out in a large crowd or when it is raining heavily, I take a walking stick with me for extra support.   

Trying the Cheetah® Xceed at Mobility Clinic

At the 2022 Össur Mobility Clinic, I was lucky enough to test out a pair of Cheetah Xceed running blades. Once I found my balance, I just could not stop! I ran for the next 3 hours, and I did things that I never thought were possible. It was freeing and exhilarating! I am looking forward to working with my prosthetist to set up a pair of sports prostheses so that I can further improve my mobility.

After Mobility Clinic, the Össur family and my new friends in the amputee community have changed my life.  The encouragement and support have been nothing short of amazing and I cannot wait until the next one in 2023.  I hope we can get more amputees to this event.  Thank you to all of those involved in making this happen.