Ntando Mahlangu

Track and Field

“저는 제가 오늘하고 있는 일은 단지 다른 사람들에게 영감을 주는 것으로 생각합니다. 만약 제가 다른 사람들에게 영감을 줄 수 있다면 그것만으로도 제가 좋은 일을 하고 있다고 생각합니다.”

Sprinter.  Runner.  Soccer player.  Amateur DJ.  Anti-Bullying Ambassador.  Paralympian.

섬유 헤미멜리아(FH)라는 선천적 문제로 다리 성장을 방해하여 종아리뼈가 아예 자라지 못하거나 짧아지게 됩니다. 매우 드물게 나타나는 질병으로 40,000명 중 1명꼴로 발생합니다. 응탄도는 양쪽 다리의 섬유 헤미멜리아로 훨씬 더 드문 케이스였습니다. 남아프리카공화국 출신인 응탄도(Ntango Mahlangu)는 결국 그 인생의 첫 10년을 휠체어에서 보내게 됩니다.

At age 10, he attended a mobility clinic and met with physicians to discuss the possibility of wearing prosthetics.  He was told that he would require a bilateral through-knee amputation for the prosthetics to fit and function well.  For Ntango, the choice was an easy one.

“I was 10 and had never walked before, so when they said there was an option for me to walk and run, I told my family that I wanted the amputation so that could happen.” 

응탄도가 10살이 되던 해, 의지를 착용할 가능성을 보고 두 다리를 절단하게 됩니다. “10살 때까지 저는 한 번도 걸어보지 못했습니다. 저에게 마침내 걷거나 뛸 수 있는 기회가 왔고, 제 가족에게 절단을 꼭 하고 싶다고 했어요.”라고 그는 말합니다.

After his recovery, he was fitted with prosthetics and took his first step.  Each day, his walking would improve, and his confidence would grow.  Ntando would happily join neighborhood soccer matches and discovered how he enjoyed running the field from end to end.  Others took notice of his speed and suggested he race competitively.

“Everything changed. It started a new journey for me as I began to walk and be active and then into mainstream schooling and into different sports competitions..”

Within four years, he would earn a place on the South African Paralympic team.  At just 14 years old – one of the youngest competitors at the 2016 Paralympic Games – he finished second behind defending champion Richard Whitehead in the men’s 200m T42, setting a new African record (23.77).  Wearing his Cheetah Xtreme, Ntando is expected to represent South Africa at the 2020 Summer Paralympics in Tokyo, Japan.

​4년 만에 그는 남아공 패럴림픽 팀에 들어가 2016년 패럴림픽의 가장 어린 선수가 되었습니다. 그리고 2020년 도쿄 패럴림픽의 대표 선수가 되어 치타익스트림을 착용하고 멀리뛰기 종목에서 금메달을 목에 걸게 되었습니다.

“My only goal is to be better than I was and to make South Africa and those who support me proud.”

In 2020, Ntando made his film debut as one of nine Paralympians featured in the Netflix Original documentary 'Rising Phoenix'. It tells the extraordinary story of the Paralympic Games, and how it sparked a global movement that continues to change how the world thinks about disability, diversity and human potential.

Athletic Accomplishments

  • Paralympic Games, 2016 Rio, Silver medal 200 m T42
  • World Championships, 2019 Dubai, Gold medal 200 m T61
  • World Championships, 2017 London, Silver medal 200 m T42



South Africa

Competitive Class


절단 부위

AK Bilateral

Main Events

100m, 200m