
Electricity from renewable energy sources

51% Male, 49% Female

Gender Ratio


Female Management


Incident Rate per 100 FTEs

4 of 5

Global Employee Satisfaction


At Össur, a passionate commitment to innovation and quality has been driving successful patient and business outcomes for decades. Our mission is to improve people's mobility, so they can live their Life Without Limitations.

We apply our core company values, Honesty, Frugality and Courage, in our approach towards sustainability. We show courage in setting ambitious goals but at the same time we are honest about where we stand, acknowledge the challenges we face and what we can improve. We apply frugality by using resources efficiently and minimising waste in our processes.

Sustainability is embedded into our strategy and throughout our organisation. We have a robust sustainability agenda and capture our commitment under the theme of Responsible for Tomorrow™. We are committed to maintaining high standards of ethical, environmental, and social responsibility.

Össur joined the UN Global Compact in 2011 and signed the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles in 2014. Össur has chosen six UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to contribute to, based on our sustainability commitment.

Reuters features Össur’s commitment to being Responsible for Tomorrow

Use this calculator to track the gradual reduction in waste from Össur Packaging, in our shared effort of becoming Responsible for Tomorrow