We are a responsible business leading with integrity & transparency, promoting sound governance practices in all our activities. Our governance performance efforts contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

Our Governance Practices

We practice sound governance in all our activities.

Our Business Integrity

We set high ethical standards and act with honesty and integrity.

Our Reporting Transparency

We ensure transparent reporting of our business practices.

Ethics and Integrity

We are committed to responsible business practices and making a meaningful contribution to peaceful and inclusive societies.
In accordance with our values, we set high ethical standards and we have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to corruption and bribery, and we respect and support the rule of law. We guide our employees through our Code of Conduct and offer platforms for them and other stakeholders to voice any potential concerns through the Össur Speak-Up line.
Our reporting is transparent, and we believe business ethics are fundamental for a global society to achieve sustainable development.

Össur Speak-Up Line

In 2020 a whistleblower system was implemented at Össur, called the Össur Speak-up Line. The Össur Speak-Up Line is operated as an independent function. Everyone who makes a report in good faith is guaranteed protection from retaliation and all reports are treated confidentially. The Össur Speak-Up Line is available 24 hours every day of the year. Reports can be filed online or through any mobile browser. The Speak-Up Line is available in local languages and hosted by an independent third party in compliance with local regulations and GDPR.

Össur Speak-Up Line

Training and Awareness

Training of compliance related matters and policies is twofold. For some training activities employees need to acknowledge policies or procedures and in other instances training is a combination of face-to-face training and online training. This is prioritized based on position and geography. The main emphasis has been on the continued training of key employees and employees located in high-risk areas, or those responsible for the company’s businesses in high-risk areas. Össur has policies in place that guide and support employees, such as the Anti-Corruption and Bribery policy and the Supplier Code, which are signed by the Össur's business partners.

List of Össur's policies

Data Privacy

To be able to conduct business and provide service to customers Össur needs to collect and handle personal data. It is Össur‘s priority to treat data with the utmost respect and confidentiality. Most countries have legislation in place obligating companies to handle personal data securely. To ensure compliance with Data Privacy legislations, Össur has established procedures, updated policies and facilitated awareness trainings about data privacy via internal announcements, e-learning, and dedicated intranet site as well as training sessions for relevant employees. Össur has appointed a Global Data Protection Officer to head up efforts within the field.

Tax Transparency

Össur's core values, honesty, frugality and courage, are a strong foundation for the corporate culture and business strategy and drive the behavior that is needed to realize our purpose. These core values also serve as a strong foundation for Össur’s approach to tax.
Össur acts with integrity towards all stakeholders involved directly and indirectly with the company. As a high-profile provider of medical devices, Össur acknowledges that paying tax is an important part of our economic impact and contribution to society as taxes fund public services like healthcare and social investment.

Tax Strategy

Össur seeks to obtain a competitive tax level in a responsible way and as a general rule, Össur pays corporate taxes in the countries it operates in. This means doing business in a way that meets expectations for good corporate citizenship and, paying taxes where profits are earned in accordance with prevailing national and international tax rules. We manage our tax affairs responsibly and transparently and we only undertake tax planning which aligns with our commercial and economic activities. We will not engage in artificial transactions which have the sole aim of reducing tax. We make fair, accurate and timely disclosure in correspondence and returns, and respond to queries and information requests in a timely manner. We provide all relevant information when requested to do so. If we discover errors in tax returns or correspondence with tax authorities, we disclose and correct them promptly.